For Men Only

China- The Human Rights Watch surveyed over 36,000 jobs’ ads in China. They discovered that almost one in five jobs’ ads were referred as ‘men only’ or ‘men preferred’. For a specific company, the job ad uses the appearance of female employees to bring in men applicants. The other companies that were researched also had in common hiring beautiful women for the same reason. Some comments made by the men hired were that ‘they joined that company because of the pretty ladies interviewing them’ and that they were ‘happy going to work everyday because of the beautiful women’. The Human Rights Watch have stated that the gender gap is increasing with this type of discrimination. There are laws that ban gender discrimination in China whether it’s for hiring or in advertising (Toh, Mullen, 2018). 

           I believe that not only is this sexually exploiting women, they are also being discriminated against. The ads are stating that they need men, so women are automatically rejected. Even if women are certified, it would be hard to get a high position. This causes the pay gap. If women aren’t allowed to apply for the well-paying job, this can hurt their purchasing power. Single moms, for example, are unable to buy their needs. Other women can’t escalate the corporate ladder and are stuck in the bottom positions. This can hurt China’s growing economy. Some researchers have found that countries who are globalized tend to have more equality for women; which isn’t so true for China.

           China has the second largest economy in the world. With women not living up to their potential, China could be loosing a lot of money. Poverty might slowly arise, since women aren't allowed in the well-paying jobs. Without those jobs, they aren't able to afford the standard of living. In 1995, there was an affirmative action taken place in Beijing, China to stop discrimination against women. Again, in 2007, China was part of convention that eliminates discrimination against women.  It’s 2018 and still none of those actions have followed through. There is still a lot of discrimination against women. The government so far, isn't showing initiatives on moving forward to stopping the discrimination.  

                                                    Works Cited

“Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.” United Nations, United Nations,

“Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing 1995.” United Nations, United Nations,

Toh, Michelle, and Jethrom Mullen. “HRW: Chinese Tech Firms under Fire for Sexist Job Ads.”CNNMoney, Cable News Network, 23 Apr. 2018,


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